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New Cybovac robot vacuum cleaner includes tech inspired by insects

Kyvol, a brand from VanTop Technology & Innovation, will launch its first robot vacuum cleaner range on 25 June 2020.

The three E-series “Cybovac” appliances combine visual navigation inspired by insects, such as bees and dragonflies, with drone technology, without the hefty price tag associated with similar devices.Cybovac’s models – entry level E20, a more advanced E30, and top of the range E31 – showcase Kyvol’s expertise in creating innovative smart home products.

Whether a consumer wants their first robot vacuum or an upgrade, the entire range offers high quality, high performance and best-in-class features. Precision navigation, smart suction and powerCybovac’s professional grade suction is powerful enough to lift steel balls, so completely capable of lifting dirt and dust off hardwood floors and deep cleaning carpets with ease, removing pet hair or crumbs.

All Cybovac models include app or remote control programmable features, such as automatic cleaning schedules, plus settings that can be activated via a smart speaker if you’d rather ask Alexa or Google Assistant.

Choose one of three precision cleaning modes – Auto, Edge and Spot – and the Cybovac will activate its three-stage cleaning system to sweep, lift dust and debris, then vacuum in a single pass.  Kyvol’s top of the range E31 also offers a 300ml water tank and mopping  function for gleaming hard surfaces.

Kyvol’s Gyroptic™ technology delivers 30% more accuracy as it navigates obstacles and avoids stairs or everyday furnishings like tables, chairs and potted plants, to ensure no environment damage. After a thorough clean, it returns to its base station to recharge for a future session.

The Cybovacs recognise walls and edges, and hug them so that they can get deeper into corners where dust and debris might collect, the main and side brushes working together to sweep dust into the path of the vacuum. Long life battery, huge capacity, low allergy filter.

On a full charge all models have a 150 minutes or 100m² battery life, enough to clean an entire townhouse on Auto Mode. When the battery power level reaches 12%, the Cybovacs return to their charging station where the intelligent power management system ensures the battery is optimised for a long life.

All E-series are fitted with a large 600ml dust bin that reduces emptying frequency, and a clean air filter system with both a dual-layer and HEPA filter to dramatically reduce tiny particles like allergens being blown into the air.

App, remote and voice control100% hands-free, the Cybovac E-series is ideal for both the house-proud and work-shy. The smart and easy-to-use Kyvol App enables consumers to set cleaning schedules and modes, even when they are not home. The Cybovac E-series appliances also record their real-time routes, so users can see exactly where it’s been and cleaned.A full function remote unit allows for localised operation, while Alexa and Google Home compatibility offer simple voice control for effortless cleaning: “Alexa/Ok Google, turn on/off the robot”, plus extra commands: “Alexa/Ok Google, robot go home” and “Alexa/Ok Google, where is my robot?”.No go areas

Consumers can even set no-go barriers using magnetic strips to protect valuable items and establish out-of-bounds zones like play areas or pet feeding stations. Highly-sensitive infrared sensors ensure the appliance avoids falling down stairs, crashing into doors or objects, or getting stuck.

Vincent Zheng, CEO of Vantop Technology & Innovation, comments: “Kyvol’s mission is to help more people enjoy the power of technology, that’s why Cybovac does all the work so you can relax and enjoy your downtime. From entry level E20 to top of the range E31, every Cybovac is packed with new technology and features that guarantee the ultimate in effortless cleaning for all floor types, at an affordable price.”

Available at in the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Japan and USA from 25 June 2020 priced from: E20£199; E30 £249 and E31 £279. The models will also be available to purchase on Amazon. To learn more, visit

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