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How Has Tech Revolutionized Card Game Play?

According to the history books, card games were first came played in the 9th century, in Ancient China. Apparently, it was Princess Tonchang – who was the daughter of the Emperor, Yizong of Tang – who first started playing the “leaf game” with other members of the Wei clan. And it’s fair to say it must have been a bit of a hit.

Since that moment, card games have been part of the international zeitgeist, with the International Playing-Card Society – yep, that exists – estimating that there must be between 1,000 to 10,000 card games in existence right now in 2023.

But since those days of Ancient China, things have changed a little. Today, technology has become an essential part of modern living, and it has changed everything from how we work, how we live, and how we play.

The Relationship Between Tech And Card Games

Card games are not an exception, either. It was back in 1989 that the first ever digital card game was launched, coming in the form of the RPG game “Dragon Ball: Daimaou Fukkatsu”, which was developed by Bandai.

Nowadays, you can find nearly every physical card game somewhere in the online space. In fact, digital card games seem to be entirely taking over physical versions. Just look at the online gaming industry. As of 2022, the industry was valued at around 63.53 billion, and it’s expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.7% over the next seven years – meaning it could reach nearly $200 billion by 2030.

These card games ordinarily come in the form of popular casino games like Blackjack, Texas Hold’Em, and Baccarat. Many of them give you the opportunity to play with the live dealer, giving a new sense of realism to the online format.

The Change In Card Game Play

In terms of how tech has revolutionised card gameplay, the most consequential change comes in the fact that you are no longer playing across from someone. Yes, you can play with a live dealer, but when it comes to games like Texas Hold’Em or Omaha, you are no longer able to see your opponents.

This has caused the act of bluffing to be far harder to spot, advantageous for the bluffer, not so advantageous to the bluffee — if that’s even a real word.

Even when it comes to psychology, things get tricky. A big part of gaining the upper hand in card games – and sports in general, for that matter – is working out how to affect an opponent psychologically. Instead, players simply have to be far more astute to the hands of their opponents and try to work out what an opponent might be thinking without actually seeing them.

The Revolution Of Card Game Accessibility

Another crucial change has come in the fact that card games are now so much more convenient to play. There used to be a time when, if you wanted to play a card game, you would have to round up some friends and play face-to-face. Now, any player can take advantage of online card games and can enjoy a variety of games from the comfort of their own home.

This also makes it easier for beginners to get a grip on a game. If you’re playing a new game in the flesh, it can be quite overwhelming and intimidating. But the digitalised world has made it possible to slowly build confidence, play at your own pace and take as long as you need to learn the rules.

In this way, it is likely that there are more card game players than ever before. And with tech giants continuing to unveil new tech innovations, it’s likely the number will keep growing.

Whilst there may be some who prefer a more traditional way of playing cards, it cannot be denied that tech has made card game playing far more accessible and easier, with better promotions and a huge variety of games to learn and try out.

For this reason, the main way that tech has revolutionised card gameplay is by making it bigger and more popular than ever.

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